
To CommandGraph, a Command is an object that writes files to a directory, based on a configuration and/or the outputs of other commands.

Defining commands

A minimal command with input and output looks like this:

import cmdgraph as cg

class SayHello(cg.Command):
  output_path = 'greetings/{name}' # Config fields are substituted automatically
                                   # (though using this shorthand is optional).
  def run(self):
    self.output['message'] = (     # Records provide a concurrency-safe,
      f'Hello, {}!') # array-friendly view into the filesystem.

SayHello(name='Sven')() # This writes "Hello, Sven!" to /greetins/Sven/message.h5,
                        # and writes metadata to /greetings/Sven/_cmd-spec.yaml
                        # and /greetings/Sven/_cmd-status.yaml.

Accessing command metadata

cmd.spec returns a command’s specification—its configuration, augmented with a field encoding its type—as a JSON-like object (an arbitrarily nested combination of bool, int, float, str, NoneType, list, and Namespace instances).

cmd.status returns the command’s execution status: “running”, “done”, “stopped”, or “unbegun”.

Executing commands

Calling a command (cmd()) invokes it unconditionally.

require invokes the command if necessary and blocks until it has finished executing. It does nothing if the command’s status is “done”.

class WarpCatPictures(cg.Command):
  output_path = 'warped-cats'

  def run(self):
    cats = cg.require(GetCats(source='the-internet')) # `require` returns the dependent
    self.output['result'] = warp_thoroughly(cats)     # command's output record.